5 thoughts on “Bastille Day

  1. Sandy says:

    Haha. Wow! Glad u you enjoyed…
    Looks spectacular.

    I had a similar “attitude” experience with our Navy Pier. And my evening was delightful! Viewing the fireworks from land like the masses and tourists was lovely. We are spoiled in Chicago. Get them every Wednesday and a Saturday evening in the summer and then some extras.

  2. Ellen A. says:

    I don’t think this comes across the way you meant it to. You make yourself sound insufferable and elitist. Appreciating the fireworks at the end seems like a sop. Sorry.

    • Gary Lee Kraut
      Gary Lee Kraut says:

      Thanks for the comments. You certainly read Bastille Day the way it was meant to “come across” but are mistaken about the “you make yourself” since this is a work of fiction using real footage. The narrator is clearly a wannabe elitist who ends up enjoying the fireworks like everyone else. The author himself may or may not be insufferable and elitist but in any case he has never met the minister of health and did not attend the fireworks with Léonard MC this year, though he might well recognize a baguette as being six hours old.

  3. Goyo says:

    You poor dear. Such a sad story ‘bout you and the Health Minister last year. Hope you learned your lesson. Certainly looked and sounded like you had a s_ _ _ _ y time this year.

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